Things I learned on My Trip to Afghanistan

Each summer, as finances will allow, I try to travel somewhere new. And on my way back from those adventures I always ask myself a few questions…things like “What was your favorite memory?” or “What was different than you expected?” or...

International School of Kabul

If you follow me on Twitter ( @sherryworel), you know that I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Dubai and Afghanistan. Boy, those two worlds could not be any further apart. I spent just one full day in Dubai and found it fascinating. It is the tourist capital of...

We are Rich!

According to CNNMoney, it only takes $34,000 per person to be among the richest 1% of the people in the world. That figure is after taxes. So a family of four would have to earn $136,000 to be in that category. And, it seems that half of these rich folks live in the...

Time for a Hug

During the last few months of Jesus’ ministry on earth (during the Perean Ministry), our Lord addressed several very important topics. He prophesied about His coming sufferings, He discoursed on the topic of divorce, and told the story about the rich young...

Sword of Damocles

Cicero, a Roman orator and statesman wrote about the sword of Damocles. Translated by N.S. Gill, the story goes like this: “Dionysius (II) was a fourth century B.C. tyrant of Syracuse, in the Greek area of southern Italy. To all appearances, Dionysius was very...

Purposeful Shoe Drive

In January of each year, our school has its annual shoe drive. It started over twenty years ago as I was searching for some local service projects for the kids to participate in. We decided to gather gently used shoes (most of our kids just out grow theirs) and set up...