I Love Bread!

I Love Bread!

When I first moved to Europe the summer before my senior year of high school, I thought that bread only came in the white, sliced variety. But within just a few short months, I came to understand that bread comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures. It can be...
Hide His Word in Your Heart

Hide His Word in Your Heart

Our Bible urges us to memorize God’s Word. We are told to hide it in our hearts (Ps. 119:11), to make it our delight by meditating on it day and night (Ps. 1:2) and to make sure His words do not depart from our mouths (Joshua 1:8). So how do we do that? Well, Menelik...
The Value of Work

The Value of Work

At my age, I hear quite a few conversations about how people can’t wait to retire and stop working. It’s as if they had read Bob Black’s essay in 1985 entitled “The Abolition of Work” where he argued that work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. One...
Our Achilles Heel

Our Achilles Heel

I have spent most of my adult life enjoying the rhythm of life that circles around a school calendar. You know, two weeks off at Christmas, a week off at Easter and a relaxed pace during the summer. Each year, as summer draws to a close, I begin to get focused on “the...
Daily Life

Daily Life

It is that time of year when parents are sending their older kids off to college. Bags are packed, boxes labeled and room decorations are purchased. Soon it’s time for that sweet note from mom or dad to be tucked away so they can read it after they get settled. The...
Made Anew

Made Anew

With the Olympics in Japan this summer, we have all had our attention drawn to that ancient island nation. Known for its beauty and utilitarian society, it also well known for its various art forms. I heard about one recently. It is called “kintsugi.” Ceramic bowls...