

by | Apr 24, 2017 | 2017, Musings | 0 comments


Apparently there are all kinds of blindness. There is color blindness; there is a condition called “prosopagnosia,” which is the inability to recognize faces and there is  “object agnosia” which doesn’t allow people to recognize common objects, like their own car. And the cause can be a birth defect, an accident, an injury or even some common disease.

There is also a kind of spiritual blindness that impacted two disciples the morning after the resurrection. The story is found in Luke 24. One of the disciples is named Cleopas. The other one can be deduced with a little bit of careful comparison to other scriptures. I believe it was Cleopas’ wife, Mary.

She was in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover; mentioned standing at foot of the cross and visiting the grave of Jesus. In this passage, I think she and her husband are headed home to Emmaus, a sleepy little village about 7 miles northwest of Jerusalem.

As they walked along, Jesus came up and joined them. The Bible says in verse 16 that “…they were kept from recognizing Him.” They were experiencing a kind of spiritual blindness. In fact a few verses later, Jesus describes them as “foolish…slow to believe.”

So our Savior addressed their blindness by opening three things. He “opened their eyes” (vs. 31). He opened the scriptures so they could understand what they read (vs. 32). And He opened their minds so they could comprehend what was going to be accomplished next (vs. 45).

At first glance, you wouldn’t think that a couple as close to Christ as they were would suffer from a kind of spiritual blindness. You might think that their previous experiences with Him would have predisposed them to instant recognition and understanding. But they struggled to get it right.

And so do we.

This week might be a wonderful time to pause and consider our own “walk” to our own “Emmaus.” Easter is over. The resurrection has occurred. The tomb is empty. It’s time to be about the father’s business. Let’s pray that our spiritual eyes would be opened to both the scriptures and His will.

Let’s share the same news that Cleopas and his wife shouted, “It is true! The Lord is risen…”


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