
Our Purpose in Life

by | Aug 21, 2022 | 2022, Musings | 0 comments

I read about an executive headhunter who specializes in finding executives for major firms in the US. He remarked, “When I get an executive that I’m trying to hire for someone else, I like to disarm them. I offer him a drink, take my coat off, throw up my feet and talk about baseball or football or family until he is all relaxed.

Then I lean over and look him square in the eye and say ‘What is your purpose in life?’

Well, I was interviewing this fellow the other day, had him all disarmed, talking about football. Then I leaned in and asked him my question. Without blinking an eye, he replied, ‘To go to heaven and take as many people with me as I can.’”

I love that story and I especially love his reply. That guy had his priorities all in order. He knew his purpose and was clear about the urgencies surrounding that one purpose.

I wonder how all of us would answer that question. Do we realize that life itself is a gift with a purpose? Do we recognize that God created each of us in the womb of our mothers and assigned us a purpose?

The scriptures refer to that assignment as a “calling.” Jeremiah records God’s intent in Jer. 1:5. “Before you were born, I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Isaiah said that “Before I was born the Lord called me.”

That kind of purpose is personal, meaningful and everlasting. It’s not a job, a title, a way to make a living, a prestigious position or a career. It’s much more important and significant.

Just like that executive, you and I were born with a purpose: to go to heaven and take as many people with us as is possible. The first part of our purpose statement has to do with our salvation. By God’s grace and through His mercy, we have been redeemed. We get to go be with Him for all eternity. Check.

But there is a second part to that purpose statement. We are to work hard at making sure that we take others with us. Our lives are to be an “open book” in our community. Our family, our co-workers and our neighbors should be able to “read” the good news of Jesus Christ as they observe our regular lives.

And from time to time, we need to be more direct and share the gospel with our family and friends. Part of our purpose is to lead others to Christ. 

So, this week, let’s imagine that headhunter is talking to us. Are we clear on our eternal assignment? Do we embrace the spiritual job at hand? Do we long to see our loved ones come to Christ in saving faith? Are we ready to be used to share the gospel? Let’s say yes!



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