Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Living Intentionally
I love standing alongside a mountain stream watching what goes by. Some of the leaves or twigs are driven along by the current or a breeze, but the fish are different. They are swimming by. They are...
July 14, 2008Ungratefulness In Paul's commentary to Timothy regarding the end times, he lists what those perilous days will look like (II Timothy 3:1-5). He says the men will be lovers of...
We Serve the God of Details
July 21, 2008We Serve the God of Details I recently read an amazing book that I would highly recommend. It is called, "Billions of Missing Links" by Geoffrey Simmons (Harvest House publishers). The...
The Right Language
July 28, 2008 The Right Language In about 713 BC an Assyrian ruler named Sennacherib invaded Judah and threatened Jerusalem. In II Chronicles 32 (and II Kings 18) the bible tells us the story....
Honor Your Father and Mother
August 4, 2008Honor your Father and Mother As I am writing this "musing," I am flying home from Colorado after spending some time standing alongside my father on the banks of a beautiful mountain...
August 11, 2008EncouragementIt's three weeks before school starts and the activity level around Stoneybrooke is revving up. It's almost like the sounds associated with a train pulling out of a...
The Discipline of Disturbance
The Discipline of Disturbance Almost every evening for the last week you could find me nestled into the folds of our family room couch. I had a diet coke in one hand, some chips near the other hand...
The Called
August 25, 2008The CalledThere are all kinds of ways to classify people - tall/short, smart/not so smart, pretty/good personality, outgoing/shy and so. Theologically, in relationship to worth and...
September 1, 2008PerseveranceOne of my favorite Greek words is “hupomeneo.” It is a compound word literally meaning “to remain under”. When it gets translated in our English bibles this word may be...
Speak the Truth
September 15, 2008Speak the TruthI confess to being a political junkie. I love this season when the candidates are busy trying to convince us that their ideas and perspectives are the correct ones....