If you could invite anyone to have dinner with you, who might it be? What conversation would you just love to have?
Maybe it would be someone whose passions are similar to yours. Or maybe, it is a major leader that made an amazing impact on world history. Or maybe it is someone who trudged gracefully behind the scenes and you are interested to know how it looked from that vantage point.
Truth is my list is long. It includes Biblical figures, world leaders, musicians, sports figures and missionaries.
But just for fun, turn that question around. Who would love to invite YOU over for dinner? Who would love a conversation with YOU? Who wants to spend time with YOU?
The great news is, Jesus has already chosen YOU. He paid the ultimate price on the cross so our sins could be forgiven and we could enjoy His presence for all eternity. We have been invited to His dinner table.
In the midst of the discussion about who would be the greatest in the kingdom, Christ spoke about that table and remarked, “… you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom…”(Luke 22:30)
What amazing news that is. Jesus Christ wants to have dinner with me (and you). He is interested in what we have to share. He delights in having a relationship with us. And someday soon, we will linger around a banqueting table laughing, crying, telling stories and sharing our hearts. And it will go on for a very long time.
So just for fun this week, let’s imagine we are all back in third grade and one of our classmates has a birthday coming up. Rumor has it there will be a bounce house, some ponies and a three layer cake. Everyone wants to go. So we all wait with bated breath to see if an invitation arrives in our mailbox.
And suddenly there it is. We are invited. The friend wants us to come!
Be encouraged, Jesus has done just that. (John 14:3) “…and I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you will be also.”
Love this!