
A Good Deed

by | Sep 26, 2011 | 2011, Musings | 0 comments

Like most Southern Californians, I don’t spend a lot of time outside walking around. But this morning I had to have some blood work done and was wandering around near the local hospital trying to find where they moved the laboratory. A car drove up and an older lady began to get out. First she put her walker on the sidewalk and then she started that swinging motion trying to get her weight distributed in a way that would let her stand up. She wasn’t succeeding.

I just stopped, opened her car door wider and asked if I could help. I took her by the arm and sort lifted her up and out. It was no big deal. She barely spoke to me. I just said, “have a nice day” and wandered off. But I noticed that as I walked on, a smile crept across my face. I had done a very small “good deed” and it made me feel better.

I got to thinking about that concept. There is indeed something quite magical about being kind to another human being. It helps them and us. What a society we might be if we all went out of our way to exhibit kindness.

I read a cool story ( that emphasizes that point. Apparently at a recent cross-country meet in Andover, Minnesota a junior varsity runner was making his way along the trail when he heard a loud scream. Most of the other kids just kept running on by and did not pay attention to the cries of Mark Paulauskas who was writhing in pain on the side of the path.

The only person who decided to stop was Josh Ripley. He could have run back and called for help, but instead he chose to pick up Mark and carry him back a half of a mile to the starting gate. It is a good thing that he did, the injury was significant. Mark had been spiked by another runner and his wound required 20 stitches and a walking boot.

One of the coaches saw what Josh did and remarked, “Then Josh comes jogging into view carrying a runner. I noticed the blood on the runner’s ankle as Josh handed him off to one of the coaches. Josh was tired and you could tell his focus was off as he started back on the course.”

Back on the course? Yep, that exhausted young man headed back on the path and finished the race. He didn’t win the race, but then again, maybe he did. He will be honored by the local school board this next week.

You talk about sportsmanship…but it really is just a good deed. The Bible says that real love is gentle, love is kind (I Corinthians 13). We are told in Ephesians 4 to be kind and compassionate to one another. In Luke 6 we are instructed to do good to others, to be kind and merciful just like our Father is merciful.

So this week, let’s look for a sweet little old lady to help, or a runner to carry, or a neighbor to assist, or an enemy to bless. It will be a good deed that makes us and them smile!

By His Grace and for His Glory,
Sherry L. Worel


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