What if Jesus Was Serious?

What if Jesus Was Serious?

Recently I have been spending some time in the Sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Putting it mildly, it is a challenging portion of scripture. And then I started reading Skye Jethani’s little book, What if Jesus was Serious? (I highly recommend it.) His contention is...
The Upstairs Came Down

The Upstairs Came Down

I love the short story of how a child tried to describe an elevator. She said, “I got into this little room and the upstairs came down.” That phrase has stuck in my mind, “…the upstairs came down.” Isn’t it an apt description of the blessings we receive from the...
Getting Our Backpack Fitted

Getting Our Backpack Fitted

In Galatians 6, we are told to “carry each other’s burdens’ (vs. 2) and then in verse 5 we are instructed that “each one should carry his own load.” It can be confusing. Are we on our own to haul around the daily burdens of life or are we supposed to reach out and...
Boat Potatoes

Boat Potatoes

I had reason recently to review some of the principles found in John Ortberg’s great book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get out of the Boat. Using the story found in Matthew 14 where Peter joins Jesus as He walked on the water, Ortberg contrasts “water...
Learning from Failure

Learning from Failure

The author John Ortberg tells an interesting story about how failure is tied to learning. Apparently a ceramics teacher divided his class into two separate groups. One group (we will call them Group A) was going to be graded on the basis of the quantity of their work....
Who is in Your Basket?

Who is in Your Basket?

The children of Israel enjoyed peace and prosperity in Egypt as long as Joseph was on the scene. But Exodus 1:8 tells us that there was a new king and “he did not know about Joseph.” Circumstances changed drastically. In fact, in order to control the population growth...