
It is All About Him

by | Dec 29, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Henry Ward Beecher was a 19th century American preacher who served in both Indiana and Brooklyn, New York. He became very well-known for his novel style of preaching that included humor and even some “modern day slang.”

A story is told that one Sunday a very large crowd had already assembled to hear Henry preached. But his brother was there as a substitute. As the brother stepped into the pulpit, a bunch of very disappointed parishioners headed for the exits.

That’s when Henry’s brother stood up and said, “All who have come here today to worship Henry Ward Beecher may now withdraw from the church. All who have come to worship God, keep your seats!” OUCH.

But I wonder what would happen if we made a similar announcement in our churches today?

Too often we are distracted by the temperature in the room, what the folks sitting near us are wearing, the choice of worship songs, the pastor’s opening illustration and where we might be going for lunch.

And too often if you overheard our comments after the service, you might conclude that we showed up for a concert or lecture series and were disappointed that “it all didn’t meet our needs.”

Which begs the question, exactly who are we worshipping? Ourselves or our Heavenly Father?

It seems to me that this new year might be a great time to review our priorities for worship. Let’s guard our attitudes in route to church. Let’s all work at being focused on the Lord when we walk into the auditorium. Let’s turn our minds on as we begin to sing and worship His name with conviction.

And if the message doesn’t directly “hit it out of the park “for our own particular needs that Sunday, let’s remember that everyone else walked in with burdens and concerns too. Perhaps that message was meant for them. Instead of whining, let’s begin to pray that those other burdens are lifted.

Church is not “all about me.” It is all about Him!



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