
The Blessing of Music

by | Jul 10, 2022 | 2022, Musings | 0 comments

I am spending my summer rooted in the book of Psalms. I bought one of those notebooks that have the scripture on one side and a blank page on the other. I can’t draw, so there are no illustrations, but I sure am connecting with my heart.

I was attracted to the Psalms as I thought through their original use. They were songs. Many of them still have a notation to the choirmaster added on the top. Music is an incredible key to the human heart.

Researchers tell us that even as our health declines and our ability to speak wanes, music is often the very last thing to go. “Evidently the auditory cortex is the region of the brain that processes music. It stores musical memories even when amnesia and dementia erase everything else. Those with advanced Alzheimer’s disease who have completely stopped communicating, often start to sing and become animated when they hear a familiar song” (Barry Krammes, BIOLA).

Which brings me back to music. I basically have three playlists on my phone. There are the country and western twangs that I love to tap my tennis shoes to. There are the simple, silly bubblegum songs from my youth. And then there are songs for my soul.

Recently I have been watching a ton of Christian videos that feature a lot of current Christian music. Now I know we could fuss with each other about the backgrounds of some movements or musical groups. I am not into that this summer. I am into trying to stuff my memory banks with good solid Christian music.

I love hymns. I have tons of those already memorized. But I am intentionally listening to more current songs. I sing along in the car or I tuck my ear buds in and crank up the music in my room. I am sure that none of my singing is in the right key, but I don’t think the Lord cares.

It’s a joyful noise (Psalm 66:1) and I am always filled up after an hour or two immersed in those tunes.

Perhaps this week you can join me. However, you get your music, check out some of the current groups, bands and songs. No doubt they will not all become your favorite but some may. And maybe along the way you can pass a few on to your friends (Eph. 5:9).

“Come let us sing for joy to the Lord. Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation” (Ps. 95:1).